Twas the night before finals, in the dorms they all sat Not a student was partying, not even the frat. The books all piled up to the top of the room, Only 12 hours left ‘till they head to their doom.
The freshmen were cramming it all in their heads, Not a single Facebook status was left unread. My roommate in her pj’s, and I in my slacks, Trying to find a way to relax.
When out in the hallway there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the chair to see what was the matter. I opened the door to a delightful surprise, My friends were leaving to get burgers and fries.
I said to myself, “It’s early enough, And studying while hungry can be a bit rough.” So, I put on my coat and I put on my shoes, And we went to get food, some snacks, and some booze.
After a ride into town, and a little bit of fun, I came back to my room, a quarter past one. Less than eight hours to go before my exam, And three different subjects for me to cram!
I grabbed my first book and as I sat on my desk, I said, “There’s no way I can work in this mess!” So hyped up on sugar and lots of caffeine, I put down the books ‘till the room was all clean.
I looked at my clock and saw it was three, I cried, “How could this happen to me?” “I really hope they offer extra credit!” Is what I posted on Twitter and Reddit.
And then, with a buzzing, I felt in my pants, I just got a Snapchat from my buddy in France. He was studying abroad and his finals were done, He sent me a pic going down a ski run.
Depressed and distraught, I went back to my book, It was an e-version that I bought for my Nook. The miniscule font was driving me insane, And searching for the settings proved to be a pain.
Fraught with pure anger and in such disarray, I did the unthinkable and tossed my e-reader away! It hit my left bedpost which cracked the display. I let out a sigh. “This just isn’t my day.”
As I sat at my desk and worked on some math, The undercooked meat I ate unleashed its wrath. Propped on the toilet I held on for dear life, As I let out a fudge bomb that stung like a knife.
Though tired and stressed, I still studied some more, while trying to drown out my roommate’s snore. Ticking and tocking teased that damn clock, As if poking fun at my mental block.
But I studied and studied every chapter and section, Memorized my terms to the point of perfection. There was really no more I could do to prepare, But to show up to class with a hope and a prayer.
Later that morning, I sprang out of class, With a skip in my step, with a notion I passed. “What do we do now?” asked my friends in delight. “Well, my finals are over, so to all a good-night!”